
We are so glad you are interested in learning more about enrolling at Parents’ Place.

Below you will learn more about the enrollment process, tuition and fees, and our attendance policy. Children are placed in a classroom based on their age and ability. Baby through Kindergarten Readiness classes are held Monday-Thursday, from 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Most families attend once or twice per week.

The 2024-2025 term will run from early September 2024 to early May 2025. Registration for Fall 2024 is now open!

The Enrollment Process

Once enrollment opens in May, you will fill out the form with all necessary information and preferences.

For your application to be considered complete, we must have received your online application deposit of $20 ($35 for two or more children). This fee will be rolled into your first invoice. If you do not end up accepting your position, this fee will be non-refundable. Your fee can be paid via PayPal, Venmo, or by mailing a check to the following address:

Parents’ Place P.O. Box 1307 Morgantown, WV 26507

We do ask if you are mailing a check to please send us an email so we know to expect it.

Once we have received your online application and application fee, your child will be placed in a classroom based on their age and your preferred attendance day(s). We do our best to meet each child’s needs as well as each family’s preferences for days to attend. 

As class lists finalize, a welcome email and tuition invoice will be sent to you. For the 2024-2025 school year, we anticipate this taking place mid-July. We request that you confirm your placement by replying to the welcome email, and that you pay your tuition invoice in a timely manner. Tuition is due within 14 days of receipt. 

We will have an Open House for fall 2024 one evening the week before classes start. Once that date is set more information will be communicated via email to all enrolled families. During the Open House, families have a chance to gather and to see their child(ren)’s classroom(s) for the upcoming year, as well as meet their child(ren)’s teacher(s).

Any enrollment-specific questions can be directed to: enrollment.parentsplace@gmail.com.


Tuition is calculated at $18/class, so your tuition will vary based on the day(s) of the week you attend as well as the number of weeks in a term. For example, if you attend on Tuesdays and the Tuesday classes meet 13 times in a term, your tuition would be $234 for the term. Tuition fees are used to pay teacher salaries, rent to Spruce St. UMC, and for classroom and playdate supplies.

Other fees associated with attending Parents’ Place include fundraising and parking in a Morgantown City Lot.

If your plans change and you are no longer able to attend Parents’ Place, please let us know. Your application fee is non-refundable, but any tuition paid is refunded through the first two weeks of classes.

As class lists finalize, a welcome email and tuition invoice will be sent to you. For the 2024-2025 school year, we anticipate this taking place mid-July. We request that you confirm your placement by replying to the welcome email, and that you pay your tuition invoice in a timely manner. Tuition is due within 14 days of receipt. 

Attendance Policy

If your child will be absent, we ask that you let your child’s teacher know via email as well as let your day’s parent chat know.

We understand that illness happens, and we know that families plan vacations at all times of the year. We do ask that you do your best to attend Parents’ Place when you can because that helps make the community.

If you are absent without notifying us two times, we will send an email to check in and see how we can help. If you are absent without notifying us four times, you forfeit your spot at Parents’ Place.

Any enrollment-specific questions can be directed to: enrollment.parentsplace@gmail.com.